Manufacturing Perspective

What do you think about when you think “manufacturing”? 

Maybe you envision an assembly line like Henry Ford invented.  Perhaps you think of a monotonous task where you’re standing the same spot doing the same action for eight hours a day.  We’ve heard that public perception is that manufacturing plants are hot, old, and dirty.  THAT COULDN’T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!

Manufacturing facilities are highly technical and constantly evolving with new technologies.

Industries such as food processing and pharmaceutical have environments so clean you could eat off the floor (not recommended but hey a 5 second rule at a plant could actually be extended to 15 given the nature of the food that dropped – but I digress).  Once you see how manufacturing uses robotic arms for assemblies and wave soldering for surface mount electronics and printed circuit board production your mind may start to shift on how cool it is.

There are different ways to learn about manufacturing.

“How It Is Made” explains the details of how a product is produced and packaged.  This can be a great opportunity to see inside a facility and provide inspiration on where you may consider pursing your career.  Trade shows are also a good way to learn about industry.

For instance, the International Woodworking Fair occurs every two years in the United States and it showcases everything there is to know about woodworking and building products like doors and cabinets for homes.  There are automation trade shows such as Smart Industry, Packaging Exposition (PackExpo) and International Machine Technology Show (IMTS).

Manufacturing in the United States is changing and evolving.

The United States will no longer be dependent on third world countries for manufactured goods like clothes, cars, and medical supplies. Manufacturing in the United States provides food, clothing and building materials. It provides transportation equipment like trains, trucks, and cars.  And it provides medical supplies and medicine.

These industries and the people working in them are all heroes and should be celebrated for what they create day in and day out.  Don’t believe the lies about manufacturing and find out for yourself how exciting a career in manufacturing can be.