
At Pelican, we strive to create durable, reliable products that last a lifetime, built by American workers. But you really can’t talk about Pelican’s American manufacturing without paying tribute to its late founder, David H. Parker. Pelican Products’ rise from a garage in Torrance, CA to a U.S.A.-based corporation that sells products to professionals around the globe is the result of his vision and hard work. Although the first product Mr. Parker invented was a small marker buoy used to pinpoint the location of submerged divers, it was a first aid kit designed specifically for divers that really put him on the map. When customers started repurposing the waterproof, crushproof and dustproof cases to store other items, Mr. Parker saw an opportunity to expand his product selection. It wasn’t long before he tapped into emerging plastics engineering to make a line of durable equipment protection cases that could be used for a wide range of purposes.


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Smart Manufacturing Guide

Take the First Step on your Journey to Modernization

Smart Manufacturing, Industrie 4.0 and Connected Enterprise all sound like great ideas to most people in the engineering community, but getting started has been daunting. How do you even begin? Where do you find the time, or better yet, the funding?

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EECO's Industrial IoT Lab

Our hands-on smart lab in Richmond VA, helps meet the needs of modern manufacturing using state-of-the-art technologies. The Industrial IoT Lab is a hands-on discovery environment created to explore industrial networking, manufacturing software, and smart devices over EtherNet/IP.